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Dec 14, 2011

Linux Tips: source .bashrc at login

If .bashrc is not sourced when you log in using SSH, you need to source it in your .bash_profile like this:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
  . ~/.bashrc

Additional information can be found here:
Configuring your login sessions with dot files
.bashrc at ssh login

Dec 6, 2011

Linux Tips: using diff – view differences side by side

To view the differences side by side between two files:
diff -y FILE1 FILE2 | less

Using this on large diffs, can quickly show you exactly what changed between the two files in a  human readable format.

Google Tasks are your friends

Need a way to manage your daily tasks? Have Gmail? Try Google Tasks!

Useful keyboard shortcuts include:
In Gmail
Shift + T
Create a task based on the open message

G and then K
Open Tasks, or shift the cursor from Gmail to Tasks
In the Tasks Window
Moves task right ("subtasks")

Shift + Tab
Moves task left

Ctrl + Up
Moves task up

Ctrl + Down
Moves task down

Shift + Enter
Edit task details, including due date or notes

Close Tasks

Shift + Esc
Shift the cursor from Tasks to Gmail